The Elm Grove Beautification Committee, Friends of the Elm Grove Library, Elm Grove Green Team, The Elm Grove Junior Guild, and Elm Grove Woman's Club together bring you...
Nature's Best Hope - One Book, One Community
The theme of the evening is connections -- bringing together community by helping people form relationships with others and a connection to a natural world.
Presenters Neil Diboll, president of Prairie Nursery, and Michael Yanny of Johnson Nursery will provide an interactive conversation about the book Nature's Best Hope by Douglas Tallamy.
Doors open at 5:30pm, Presentation begins at 6:30
Booths by Native Roots, Johnson Nursery, Elm Grove Beautification Committee, Friends of the Elm Grove Library, Elm Grove Woman's Club, SEWISC, Wild Ones, Sweet Water
Great Door Prizes!
Plus, all attendees will get a coupon for a free plant with purchase at the EGBC plant sale.
Did you know that the Friends of the Elm Grove Library has a display kiosk located inside the library near the entrance that can be reserved by FOEGL members and library patrons? Interested individuals and families can reserve the kiosk for a one-month timeframe using the link in this event email. We invite you to showcase your unique collections that are non-partisan in nature and do not contain any commercial displays, sales or promotions of products and services.